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$333 \, 667$ (three hundred and thirty-three thousand, six hundred and sixty-seven) is:

The $28 \, 693$rd prime number

Its product with certain integers exhibits patterns:
$333 \, 667 \times 296 = 98 \, 765 \, 432$
$333 \, 667 \times 1113 = 371 \, 371 \, 371$
$333 \, 667 \times 2223 = 741 \, 741 \, 741$

Its square is a sorted number:
$333 \, 667^2 = 111 \, 333 \, 666 \, 889$

The $7$th unique period prime after $3$, $11$, $37$, $101$, $9091$, $9901$: its period is $9$:
$\dfrac 1 {333 \, 667} = 0 \cdotp \dot 00000 \, 299 \dot 7$

Also see
