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$618 \, 970 \, 019 \, 642 \, 690 \, 137 \, 449 \, 562 \, 111$ is:

A prime number

The $10$th Mersenne prime after $3$, $7$, $31$, $127$, $8191$, $131 \, 071$, $524 \, 287$, $2 \, 147 \, 483 \, 647$, $2 \, 305 \, 843 \, 009 \, 213 \, 693 \, 951$:
$618 \, 970 \, 019 \, 642 \, 690 \, 137 \, 449 \, 562 \, 111 = 2^{89} - 1$

Historical Note

$618 \, 970,019 \, 642 \, 690 \, 137 \, 449 \, 562 \, 111 = 2^{89} - 1$ was discovered to be prime in $1911$ by R.E. Powers.

It was the $11$th Mersenne prime to be discovered, although the $10$th in sequence.

François Édouard Anatole Lucas had demonstrated in $1876$ that $2^{127} - 1$ (actually the $12$th in sequence) is prime.

Also see