Arborescence/Examples/English Sentence/Types of Node

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Example of Arborescence: Types of Node

Consider the parsing structure of the following sentence in English, presented as an arborescence:

$\begin {xy} \xymatrix@L + 2mu@ + 1em {

& & & \meta {sentence} \ar[dl] \ar[dr] \\ & & \meta {subject} \ar[d] & & \meta {predicate} \ar[dr] \\ & & \meta {noun \ phrase} \ar[dl] \ar[d] & & & \meta {verb \ phrase} \ar[dl] \ar[d] \\ & \meta {adjective} \ar[dl] & \meta {noun \ phrase} \ar[dl] \ar[d] & & \meta {verb} \ar[dl] & \meta {adverbial \ phrase} \ar[dl] \ar[d] \\ \mathtt {the} & \meta {adjective} \ar[dl] & \meta {noun \ phrase} \ar[dl] \ar[d] & \mathtt {jumps} & \meta {preposition} \ar[dl] & \meta {noun \ phrase} \ar[dl] \ar[d] \\ \mathtt {quick} & \meta {adjective} \ar[d] & \meta {noun \ phrase} \ar[d] & \mathtt {over} & \meta {adjective} \ar[dl] & \meta {noun \ phrase} \ar[dl] \ar[d]\\ & \mathtt {brown} & \meta {noun} \ar[d] & \mathtt {the} & \meta {adjective} \ar[d] & \meta {noun \ phrase} \ar[d]\\ & & \mathtt {fox} & & \mathtt {lazy} & \meta {noun} \ar[d] \\ & & & & & \mathtt {dog} } \end {xy}$

The node with the label $\meta {verb}$ is a child of the node with the label $\meta {verb \ phrase}$
The node with the label $\meta {verb \ phrase}$ is the parent of the node with the label $\meta {verb}$
The node with the label $\mathtt {dog}$ is a decendant of:
the node with the label $\meta {verb \ phrase}$
the node with the label $\meta {sentence}$
$6$ other nodes, including the nodes with the labels $\meta {adverbial \ phrase}$ and $\meta {predicate}$.
The nodes with the labels consisting of English words are the leaf nodes
The nodes with the labels consisting of English parts of speech enclosed in angle brackets: $\meta{\, \cdot \,}$ are the interior nodes.
