Book:Clifford A. Pickover/Computers and the Imagination

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Clifford A. Pickover: Computers and the Imagination

Published $\text {1991}$, Alan Sutton

ISBN 0-86299-999-5



Chapter 1. Computers and the Unexpected
1.1 For Further Reading
Chapter 2. Simulation: Introduction
Chapter 3. Butterfly Curves
3.1 Stop and Think
3.2 For Further Reading
Chapter 4. The Cancer Conundrum
4.1 Stop and Think
4.2 For Further Reading
Chapter 5. Growing Your Own Font
5.1 From Frame to Font
5.2 For Further Reading
Chapter 6. Experiments with a Leaning Tower of Books
6.1 Stop and Think
6.2 For Further Reading
Chapter 7. Building Your Own Artificial Webs
7.1 Stop and Think
7.2 For Further Reading
Chapter 8. A Wiring Problem
8.1 Stop and Think
Chapter 9. Desktop Evolution
9.1 Stop and Think
9.2 For Further Reading
Chapter 10. Interlude: Research and Development
Chapter 11. Speculation: Introduction
11.1 For Further Reading
Chapter 12. A Soda-Can-Sized Super-Super Computer
12.1 General, Commonly Reported Answers
12.2 Summary Statements on Impact Assessment
12.2.1 Sociopolitical Impact
12.2.2 Programming/Information Impact
12.2.3 Scientific/Technical Impact
12.3 A Sampling of Correspondence from Contributors
12.3.1 General Supercomputing
12.3.2 Robotics, Artificial Pets
12.3.3 Economic and Social Impact
12.3.5 Minimal- or Negative- or No- Impact Statements
12.3.6 Heat
12.3.7 Satellites
12.3.8 Impact on the Home
12.3.9 Education
12.3.10 Business
12.3.11 Human-Machine Interface
12.3.12 Natural Language
12.3.13 Graphics
12.3.14 Military
12.3.15 Finance
12.3.16 Paradox
12.3.17 Consumer Electronics
12.3.18 Society
12.3.19 Neural networks
12.3.21 Database and Libraries
12.3.22 Music
12.3.23 Legal
12.3.24 Optical Computers
12.3.25 Evolving Intelligences
12.4 For Further Reading
Chapter 13. Who are the Ten Most Influential Scientists in History?
13.1 The Top Ten
13.2 The Runners-Up
13.3 Appendix 1 - Last Place
13.4 Appendix 2 - The List of Michael Hart
13.5 A Sampling of Correspondence from Survey Contributors
13.6 Stop and Think
13.6 For Further Reading
Chapter 14. Interlude: The Mummy Project
Chapter 15. A Personal Computer Placed In the Year 1900
15.1 Summary Statements on Impact Assessment
15.1.1 Programming/Information Aspect
15.1.2 Scientific/Technical Impact
15.1.3 Sociopolitical Impact
15.2 Typical Zero-Impact Statements
15.3 Religion
15.4 Some Predicted Timetables
15.5 Practical Applications
15.6 Impact of Packaging Material and Manuals
15.7 Impact on Mathematics
15.8 Impact of Hardware
15.9 Appendix A. The Year 1900
15.10 Appendix B. Unexpected Arrivals of Technology
15.11 For Further Reading
Chapter 16. Interlude: Research and Development
Chapter 17. Visualization: Introduction
17.1 For Further Reading
Chapter 18. Pain Inducing Patterns
18.1 For Further Reading
Chapter 19. The Ikeda Attractor
19.1 For Further Reading
Chapter 20. Virtual Voltage Sculptures
20.1 For Further Reading
Chapter 21. The World of Chaos
21.1 The Lorenz Attractor
21.2 Lyapunov Surfaces and Volumes
21.3 For Further Reading
Chapter 22. Irregularly Oscillating Fossil Seashells
22.1 Mathematical Framework for Pattern Generation
22.2 Graphics
22.3 Summary and Conclusions
22.4 For Further Reading
Chapter 23. Picturing Randomness with Noise Spheres
23.1 Noise-Sphere
23.2 Stop and Think
23.3 Why Graphics?
23.4 For Further Reading
Chapter 24. Visualising Cantor Cheese Construction
24.1 Description of a Variable Dimension Cheese
24.2 The Solenoid, a Cousin of the Cantor Set
24.3 History
24.4 For Further Reading
Chapter 25. Twisted Mirror Worlds
25.1 Inversion
25.2 Osculation
25.3 Pappus' Arbelos, Loxodromic Sequences, Fibonacci Spirals
25.4 Conclusions
25.5 A Computer Hint
25.6 For Further Reading
Chapter 26. Polyhedral Paradise
26.1 Tutorial and Review
26.2 Graphics Gallery
26.3 Stop and Think
26.3.1 Buckminsterfullerene!
26.4 For Further Reading
Chapter 27. Turning a Universe Inside-Out
27.1 Symmetry
27.2 Stop and Think
27.3 For Further Reading
Chapter 28. From Math Comes Beauty: Monkey Curves and Spirals
28.1 Stop and Think
28.1.1 Helical Curves
28.1.2 3-D Sine Wave
28.2 For Further Reading
Chapter 29. Visualization of the Gleichniszahlen-Reihe Monster
29.1 Stop and Think
29.2 For Further Reading
Chapter 30. The Moire Effect: Practical and Pictorial Patterns
30.1 Non-Linear Screens
30.2 Highlighting Objects
30.3 Keeping the Screws Tight
30.4 For Further Reading
Chapter 31. Interlude: Computer Exoskeletons
Chapter 32. Exploration: Introduction
32.1 For Further Reading
Chapter 33. The Lute of Pythagoras
33.1 Stop and Think
33.2 For Further Reading
Chapter 34. Results of the Very-Large-Number Contest
34.1 Background
34.2 Contest Results for Part 1
34.3 Contest Results for Part 2
34.4 Stop and Think
34.5 For Further Reading
Chapter 35. A Prime Plaid
35.1 For Further Reading
Chapter 36. Infinite Sequences in Centered Hexamorphic Numbers
36.1 For Further Reading
Chapter 37. On the Existence of Cakemorphic Integers
37.1 For Further Reading
Chapter 38. Interlude: A Fractal Goose
Chapter 39. All Known Replicating Fibonacci-Digits Less Than One Billion
Chapter 40. The Juggler Sequence
40.1 Stop and Think
40.2 For Further Reading
Chapter 41. Earthworm Algebra
41.1 Stop and Think
41.2 For Further Reading
Chapter 42. Interlude: Friendly Technology
Chapter 43. Palindromes on Parade
Chapter 44. Reversed Numbers and Palindromes
44.1 Stop and Think
44.2 For Further Reading
Chapter 45. Interlude: Chimpanzee/Man Hybrid
Chapter 46. Infinite Triangular Arrays
46.1 The Dudley Triangle
46.2 Pascal's Pyramid
46.3 Stop and Think
Chapter 47. Undulating Undecamorphic and Undulating Pseudofareymorphic Integers
47.1 Undulating Polymorphic Integers
47.2 Twin 27-morphic integers
47.3 Undulation
47.4 Undulating Pseudofareymorphic Integers
47.5 Stop and Think
Chapter 48. A Pattern Based on the Mandelbrot Set
Chapter 49. Interlude: 1/137
Chapter 50. The Computer Smorgasbord
50.1 The Fantastic Five
50.2 The Connell Sequence
50.3 Pair Square Numbers
50.4 Partition Graphs for Consecutive Integer Sums
Chapter 51. Million-Point Sculptures
Chapter 52. Continued Roots in the Complex Plane
52.1 Recipe
52.2 For Further Reading
Chapter 53. Picturing Spherical Lissajous Figures
Chapter 54. Interlude: Fractal Faces
Chapter 55. Invention: Introduction
Chapter 56. Self-Correcting Anti-Dyslexic Font
56.1 Background
56.2 A Temporal-Font
56.3 Stop and Think
56.4 For Further Reading
Chapter 57. Speech Synthesis Grenade
57.1 Notes on Military Applications
57.2 For Further Reading
Chapter 58. Pictorial Password Systems
58.1 Military Applications and Maps
Chapter 59. Interlude: Evolving Computers
Chapter 60. Computer-Generated Poetry
60.1 Stop and Think
60.2 Appendix: Enhance Your Own Stories
60.2.1 Language and Word Lists
Chapter 61. The Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Chaos Society
Chapter 62. The Big Black Bug
Chapter 63. There Will Be Soft Cattle
Appendix A. Exercises for the Mind and Eye
A.1 Grasshopper Sequences
A.2 The Amazon Skull Game
A.3 Scorpion Geometry
A.4 The Game of Japanese Crests
A.5 Hyperpower Towers
A.6 A Polynomial Equation with No Real Roots
A.7 Johnson Functions
A.8 Determine the Number of Trailing Zeros in 500!
A.9 Octagon Numbers
A.10 The Schoenberg Space-Filling Curve
A.11 Wither's Attractor
A.12 Pentagonal Kaleidoscopes
A.13 Graphic Design in Advertising
A.14 Scherk's Surface
A.15 Zenograms: Squashed Worlds
Appendix B. Interlude: Fractal Caves
Appendix C. Notes for the Curious
Appendix D. Interlude: Artistic Androids and Animals
Appendix E. Bibliography of Computers in the Arts and Sciences
E.1 Films
E.2 Products, Classroom Aids, Art, Games, Distributors
E.3 Newsletters, Columns, Associations
E.4 Journals, Bibliographies, Papers
E.5 Further Unusual References
E.6 Further Unusual Inventions
Appendix F. Descriptions of Color Plates and Frontispieces
F.1 Color Plates
F.2 Chapter Frontispieces
Appendix G. Interlude: Stone Math
About the Author