Book:Johannes Kepler/Harmonices Mundi

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Johannes Kepler: Harmonices Mundi

Published $\text {1619}$
In English:

The Harmonies of the World

Subject Matter


Notable Quotes

Since the first light dawned eight months ago, since broad daylight came three months ago, and since the sun of my wonderful discovery shone fully only a very few days ago, nothing holds me back ... The die is cast, and I am writing the book -- whether to be read by my contemporaries or by posterity matters not. It may be that my book will wait a hundred years for a reader; but has not God waited six thousand years for a proper observer of His handiwork?
-- from the Preface

Critical View

A few pages of great science and an overwhelming, luxuriant growth of mystical fantasy.
-- George F. Simmons: Calculus Gems
