Category:Definitions/Weak Topologies on Topological Vector Spaces

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This category contains definitions related to Weak Topologies on Topological Vector Spaces.
Related results can be found in Category:Weak Topologies on Topological Vector Spaces.

Let $K$ be a topological field.

Let $X$ be a topological vector space over $K$.

Let $X^\ast$ be the topological dual space of $X$.

Let $w$ be the initial topology on $X$ with respect to $X^\ast$.

We say that $w$ is the weak topology on $X$ if and only if:

for each $x \in X \setminus \set {\mathbf 0_X}$ there exists $f \in X^\ast$ such that $\map f x \ne 0$.

That is, if and only if $w$ "separates the points of $X$".


This category has only the following subcategory.