Category:Sheaf Theory

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This category contains results about Sheaf Theory.
Definitions specific to this category can be found in Definitions/Sheaf Theory.

A $\mathbf C$-valued sheaf $\FF$ on $T$ is a $\mathbf C$-valued presheaf such that for all open $U \subseteq S$ and all open covers $\sequence {U_i} _{i \mathop \in I}$ of $U$:

$\struct {\map \FF U, \paren {\operatorname {res}_{U_i}^U}_{i \mathop \in I} }$

is the limit of the restriction of $\FF$ to the full subcategory of the category of open sets of $T$ with objects $\set U \cup \set {U_i: i \in I} \cup \set {U_i \cap U_j: \tuple {i, j} \in I^2}$.