Category Induces Preorder

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Let $\mathbf S$ be a category with set of objects $S$.

Then the binary relation $\precsim$ defined by:

$\forall a, b \in S: a \precsim b \iff \exists f: a \to b$

is a preorder on $S$.


It suffices to establish $\precsim$ is reflexive and transitive.


For any $a \in S$, we have the identity morphism $\operatorname{id}_a : a \to a$.

Hence $a \precsim a$.



For $a, b, c \in S$, let $a \precsim b$ and $b \precsim c$.

Then we have:

$f: a \to b$ and $g: b \to c$

Therefore, we have the composite morphism $g \circ f: a \to c$ as well.

Hence $a \precsim c$.


It follows that $\precsim$ is a preorder.
