Clear Registers Program

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URM Program

Let $a, b \in \N$ be natural numbers such that $0 < a$.

Then we define the URM program $\map Z {a, b}$ to be:

Line Command
$1$ $\map Z a$
$2$ $\map Z {a + 1}$
$3$ $\map Z {a + 2}$
$\vdots$ $\vdots$
$b - a + 1$ $\map Z b$

where $\map Z a$ denotes the zero instruction:

$r_a \gets 0$

Hence this URM program zeroizes all the registers from $R_a$ through to $R_b$.

If $a > b$ then $\map Z {a, b}$ is the null URM program.

The length of $\map Z {a, b}$ is:

$\map \lambda {\map Z {a, b} } = \begin {cases}

0 & : a > b \\ b - a + 1 & : a \le b \end {cases}$


