Composition of Ring Homomorphisms is Ring Homomorphism

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$\struct {R_1, +_1, \odot_1}$
$\struct {R_2, +_2, \odot_2}$
$\struct {R_3, +_3, \odot_3}$

be rings.


$\phi: \struct {R_1, +_1, \odot_1} \to \struct {R_2, +_2, \odot_2}$
$\psi: \struct {R_2, +_2, \odot_2} \to \struct {R_3, +_3, \odot_3}$

be homomorphisms.

Then the composite of $\phi$ and $\psi$ is also a homomorphism.

Proof 1

A specific instance of Composite of Homomorphisms on Algebraic Structure is Homomorphism.


Proof 2

Let $\psi \circ \phi$ denote the composite of $\phi$ and $\psi$.

Then what we are trying to prove is denoted:

$\paren {\psi \circ \phi}: \struct {R_1, +_1, \odot_1} \to \struct {R_3, +_3, \odot_3}$ is a homomorphism.

To prove the above is the case, we need to demonstrate that the morphism property is held by $+_1$ and $\odot_1$ under $\psi \circ \phi$.

We take two elements $x, y \in R_1$, and put them through the following wringer with respect to $+_1$:

\(\ds \map {\paren {\psi \circ \phi} } {x +_1 y}\) \(=\) \(\ds \map \psi {\map \phi {x +_1 y} }\) Definition of Composition of Mappings
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map \psi {\map \phi x +_2 \map \phi y}\) Morphism Property applied to $+_1$ under $\phi$
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map \psi {\map \phi x} +_3 \map \psi {\map \phi y}\) Morphism Property applied to $+_2$ under $\psi$
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map {\paren {\psi \circ \phi} } x +_3 \map {\paren {\psi \circ \phi} } y\) Definition of Composition of Mappings

The same applies to $\odot_1$:

\(\ds \map {\paren {\psi \circ \phi} } {x \odot_1 y}\) \(=\) \(\ds \map \psi {\map \phi {x \odot_1 y} }\) Definition of Composition of Mappings
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map \psi {\map \phi x \odot_2 \map \phi y}\) Morphism Property applied to $\odot_1$ under $\phi$
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map \psi {\map \phi x} \odot_3 \map \psi {\map \phi y}\) Morphism Property applied to $\odot_2$ under $\psi$
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \map {\paren {\psi \circ \phi} } x \odot_3 \map {\paren {\psi \circ \phi} } y\) Definition of Composition of Mappings

Disentangling the confusing and tortuous expressions above, we (eventually) see that this shows that the morphism property is indeed held by both $+_1$ and $\circ_1$ under $\psi \circ \phi$.

Thus $\paren {\psi \circ \phi}: \struct {R_1, +_1, \odot_1} \to \struct {R_3, +_3, \odot_3}$ is a homomorphism.

