Condition for Lines to be Conjugate

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Let $\CC$ be a circle of radius $r$ whose center is at the origin of a Cartesian plane.

Let $\PP$ and $\QQ$ be conjugate lines with respect to $\CC$:

\(\ds \PP: \ \ \) \(\ds l_1 x + m_1 y + n_1\) \(=\) \(\ds 0\)
\(\ds \QQ: \ \ \) \(\ds l_2 x + m_2 y + n_2\) \(=\) \(\ds 0\)


$l_1 l_2 + m_1 m_2 = \dfrac {n_1 n_2} {r^2}$


By definition of conjugate lines, $\PP$ and $\QQ$ are the polars of points $P$ and $Q$ respectively, such that $P$ lies on $\QQ$ and $Q$ lies on $\PP$.

From Coordinates of Pole of Given Polar, $P$ is given by:

$P = \tuple {-\dfrac {l_1} {n_1} r^2, -\dfrac {m_1} {n_1} r^2}$

We have that $P$ lies on $\QQ$.

Substituting $x = -\dfrac {l_1} {n_1} r^2$ and $y = -\dfrac {m_1} {n_1} r^2$ in the equation of $\QQ$, we obtain:

\(\ds l_2 \paren {-\dfrac {l_1} {n_1} r^2} + m_2 \paren {-\dfrac {m_1} {n_1} r^2} + n_2\) \(=\) \(\ds 0\)
\(\ds \leadsto \ \ \) \(\ds l_1 l_2 r^2 + m_1 m_2 r^2\) \(=\) \(\ds n_1 n_2\) multiplying by $n_1$ and rearranging

from which the result follows.

