Congruence Modulo Integer/Examples/12,345,678,987,654,321 not equiv 0 mod 12,345,678

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Example of Non-Congruence Modulo an Integer

$12 \, 345 \, 678 \, 987 \, 654 \, 321 \not \equiv 0 \pmod {12 \, 345 \, 678}$


We have that $12 \, 345 \, 678$ ends in $8$.

Thus by Divisibility by 2, $12 \, 345 \, 678$ has $2$ as a divisor.

But $12 \, 345 \, 678 \, 987 \, 654 \, 321$ ends in $1$.

Thus, also by Divisibility by 2, $12 \, 345 \, 678 \, 987 \, 654 \, 321$ does not have $2$ as a divisor.

By Divisor Relation is Transitive, it follows that $12 \, 345 \, 678$ is not a divisor of $12 \, 345 \, 678 \, 987 \, 654 \, 321$.

The result follows by definition of congruence and divisibility.

