Count of Commutative Quasigroups on Set given Count of Commutative Algebra Loops/Examples/Order 3

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Examples of Use of Count of Commutative Quasigroups on Set given Count of Commutative Algebra Loops

Let $S$ have exactly $3$ elements.

There are $6$ quasigroups $\struct {S, \otimes}$ on $S$ such that $\otimes$ is a commutative operation.


Let $e \in S$ be a distinguished element of $S$.

Let $N$ be the number of quasigroups $\struct {S, \otimes}$ on $S$ such that $\otimes$ is a commutative operation.

From Count of Commutative Quasigroups on Set given Count of Commutative Algebra Loops we have that:

$N = n! m$


$n$ is the cardinality of $S$
$m$ is the number of commutative operations $\oplus$ on $S$ such that $\struct {S, \oplus}$ is an algebra loop whose identity is $e$.

In this case, we have:

$n = 3$ by hypothesis
$m = 1$ from Algebra Loops of Order 3


$N = 3! \times 1 = 6$

