Cube Number as Sum of Three Consecutive Odd Squares

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$1331 = 11^3 = 19^2 + 21^2 + 23^2$

No other such sequence of $3$ consecutive odd squares has the same property.


\(\ds 19^2 + 21^2 + 23^2\) \(=\) \(\ds 361 + 441 + 529\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds 1331\)

Any sequence of $3$ consecutive odd integers that have squares that sum to a cube would satisfy:

$m^3 = \paren {n - 2}^2 + n^2 + \paren {n + 2}^2$

where $n$ is the middle number of the sequence, with $m, n \in \Z$.

Expanding the right hand side:

\(\ds m^3\) \(=\) \(\ds \paren {n - 2}^2 + n^2 + \paren {n + 2}^2\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds n^2 - 4 n + 4 + n^2 + n^2 + 4 n + 4\) Square of Sum, Square of Difference
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds 3 n^2 + 8\)

Substituting $x = 3 m$ and $y = 9 n$:

\(\ds \paren {\frac x 3}^3\) \(=\) \(\ds 3 \paren {\frac y 9}^2 + 8\)
\(\ds \leadsto \ \ \) \(\ds \frac {x^3} {27}\) \(=\) \(\ds \frac {y^2} {27} + 8\)
\(\ds \leadsto \ \ \) \(\ds y^2\) \(=\) \(\ds x^3 - 216\)

which is an elliptic curve.

According to LMFDB, this elliptic curve has exactly $5$ lattice points:

$\tuple {6, 0}, \tuple {10, \pm 28}, \tuple {33, \pm 189}$

which correspond to these values of $n$:

$0, \pm \dfrac {28} 9, \pm 21$

$\pm \dfrac {28} 9$ are not integers.

The other possibilities are:

the trivial $0 = \paren {-2}^2 + 0^2 + 2^2$
the less trivial $11^3 = \paren {-23}^2 + \paren {-21}^2 + \paren {-19}^2$

The first is not a set of consecutive odd squares.

The second gives the same set of consecutive odd squares.

Hence there are no more solutions.


Historical Note

In his Curious and Interesting Numbers, 2nd ed. of $1997$, David Wells attributes this result to Michal Stajsczak, but gives no context.
