De Polignac's False Conjecture

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Famous False Conjecture

Every odd number greater than $1$ can be expressed as the sum of a power of $2$ and a prime.


It is seen by direct investigation that the first few integers support the conjecture.


The smallest integer for which this conjecture fails is $127$:

\(\ds 127 - 2^0\) \(=\) \(\, \ds 126 \, \) \(\, \ds = \, \) \(\ds 2 \times 3^2 \times 7\) not prime
\(\ds 127 - 2^1\) \(=\) \(\, \ds 125 \, \) \(\, \ds = \, \) \(\ds 5^3\) not prime
\(\ds 127 - 2^2\) \(=\) \(\, \ds 123 \, \) \(\, \ds = \, \) \(\ds 3 \times 41\) not prime
\(\ds 127 - 2^3\) \(=\) \(\, \ds 119 \, \) \(\, \ds = \, \) \(\ds 7 \times 17\) not prime
\(\ds 127 - 2^4\) \(=\) \(\, \ds 111 \, \) \(\, \ds = \, \) \(\ds 3 \times 37\) not prime
\(\ds 127 - 2^5\) \(=\) \(\, \ds 95 \, \) \(\, \ds = \, \) \(\ds 5 \times 19\) not prime
\(\ds 127 - 2^6\) \(=\) \(\, \ds 63 \, \) \(\, \ds = \, \) \(\ds 3^2 \times 7\) not prime
\(\ds 127 - 2^7\) \(=\) \(\, \ds -1 \, \) \(\ds \) and we have fallen off the end


Also see

Source of Name

This entry was named for Alphonse de Polignac.

Historical Note

Alphonse de Polignac proposed his false conjecture in $1848$, claiming that he had verified it up to $3$ million.

This was clearly an exaggeration, as the conjecture fails for the modestly small number $127$.

David Wells, in his Curious and Interesting Numbers of $1986$, mentions that this topic is discussed by Nigel Boston in Quarch, no. $6$.

This needs to be corroborated.
