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There appears to be no universally acknowledged symbol to denote commensurability.

Thomas L. Heath in his edition of Euclid: The Thirteen Books of The Elements: Volume 3, 2nd ed. makes the following suggestions:

$(1): \quad$ To denote that $A$ is commensurable or commensurable in length with $B$:
$A \mathop{\frown} B$
$(2): \quad$ To denote that $A$ is commensurable in square with $B$:
$A \mathop{\frown\!\!-} B$
$(3): \quad$ To denote that $A$ is incommensurable or incommensurable in length with $B$:
$A \mathop{\smile} B$
$(4): \quad$ To denote that $A$ is incommensurable in square with $B$:
$A \mathop{\smile\!\!-} B$

This convention may be used on $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ if accompanied by a note which includes a link to this page.
