Definition:Hilbert Matrix

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A Hilbert matrix is an order $n$ square submatrix of the infinite Hilbert matrix, consisting of the elements in the first $n$ rows and columns of that matrix.

Thus it is an $n \times n$ matrix whose elements are defined as:

$a_{i j} = \dfrac 1 {i + j - 1}$

The order $n$ Hilbert matrix is often denoted $H_n$.


$3 \times 3$ Hilbert Matrix

The order $3$ Hilbert matrix is:

$H_3 = \begin {bmatrix}

1 & \tfrac 1 2 & \tfrac 1 3 \\ \tfrac 1 2 & \tfrac 1 3 & \tfrac 1 4 \\ \tfrac 1 3 & \tfrac 1 4 & \tfrac 1 5 \\ \end {bmatrix}$

$6 \times 6$ Hilbert Matrix

The order $6$ Hilbert matrix is:

$\begin {bmatrix}

1 & \tfrac 1 2 & \tfrac 1 3 & \tfrac 1 4 & \tfrac 1 5 & \tfrac 1 6 \\ \tfrac 1 2 & \tfrac 1 3 & \tfrac 1 4 & \tfrac 1 5 & \tfrac 1 6 & \tfrac 1 7 \\ \tfrac 1 3 & \tfrac 1 4 & \tfrac 1 5 & \tfrac 1 6 & \tfrac 1 7 & \tfrac 1 8 \\ \tfrac 1 4 & \tfrac 1 5 & \tfrac 1 6 & \tfrac 1 7 & \tfrac 1 8 & \tfrac 1 9 \\ \tfrac 1 5 & \tfrac 1 6 & \tfrac 1 7 & \tfrac 1 8 & \tfrac 1 9 & \tfrac 1 {10} \\ \tfrac 1 6 & \tfrac 1 7 & \tfrac 1 8 & \tfrac 1 9 & \tfrac 1 {10} & \tfrac 1 {11} \end {bmatrix}$

Also see

  • Results about Hilbert matrices can be found here.

Source of Name

This entry was named for David Hilbert.

Historical Note

The concept of the Hilbert matrix was introduced by David Hilbert in $1894$.
