Definition:Latin Square

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Let $n \in \Z_{>0}$ be some given (strictly) positive integer $n$.

A Latin square of order $n$ is a square array of size $n \times n$ containing $n$ different symbols, such that every row and column contains exactly one of each symbol.

That is, each row and column is a permutation of the same $n$ symbols.

Order of Latin Square

Let $\mathbf L$ be an $n \times n$ Latin square.

The order of $\mathbf L$ is $n$.

Row of Latin Square

Let $\mathbf L$ be a Latin square.

The rows of $\mathbf L$ are the lines of elements reading across the page.

Column of Latin Square

Let $\mathbf L$ be a Latin square.

The columns of $\mathbf L$ are the lines of elements reading down the page.

Element of Latin Square

Let $\mathbf L$ be a Latin square of order $n$.

The individual $n \times n$ symbols that go to form $\mathbf L$ are known as the elements of $\mathbf L$.

The element at row $i$ and column $j$ is called element $\left({i, j}\right)$ of $\mathbf L$, and can be written $a_{i j}$, or $a_{i, j}$ if $i$ and $j$ are of more than one character.

If the indices are still more complicated coefficients and further clarity is required, then the form $a \left({i, j}\right)$ can be used.

Note that the first subscript determines the row, and the second the column, of the Latin square where the element is positioned.


This is an example of a Latin square of order $4$:

\hline a & b & c & d \\ c & d & a & b \\ d & c & b & a \\ b & a & d & c \\ \hline \end{array}$

Also see

  • Results about Latin squares can be found here.

Historical Note

The concept of a Latin square originates from Leonhard Paul Euler, who used Latin characters as symbols.
