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Definition 1

Let $\ds m = \prod_{j \mathop \in J} X_j^{k_j}$ be a monomial in the indexed set $\set {X_j: j \mathop \in J}$.

Such a monomial can be expressed implicitly and more compactly by referring only to the sequence of indices:

$k = \sequence {k_j}_{j \mathop \in J}$

and write $m = \mathbf X^k$ without explicit reference to the indexing set.

Such an expression is called a multiindex (or multi-index).

Definition 2

Let $J$ be a set.

A $J$-multiindex is a sequence of natural numbers indexed by $J$:

$\ds k = \sequence {k_j}_{j \mathop \in J}$

with only finitely many of the $k_j$ non-zero.

Definition 3

A multiindex is an element of $\Z^J$, the free $\Z$-module on $J$, an abelian group of rank over $\Z$ equal to the cardinality of $J$.


Let $k = \sequence {k_j}_{j \mathop \in J}$ be a multiindex.

The modulus of such a multiindex $k$ is defined by:

$\ds \size k = \sum_{j \mathop \in J} k_j$

Also known as

Some sources hyphenate for clarity: multi-index.

Also see

Linguistic Note

The plural of multiindex (or multi-index) is multiindices (or multi-indices).
