Definition:Normal Extension

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Definition 1

Let $L / K$ be a field extension.

Then $L / K$ is a normal extension if and only if:

for every irreducible polynomial $f \in K \sqbrk x$ with at least one root in $L$, $f$ splits completely in $L$.

Definition 2

Let $L / K$ be a field extension.

Let $\overline K$ be the algebraic closure of $K$.

Let $\Gal {L / K}$ denote the set of embeddings of $L$ in $\overline K$ which fix $K$ pointwise.

Then $L / K$ is a normal extension if and only if:

$\map \sigma L = L$

for each $\sigma \in \Gal {L / K}$.

Also known as

A normal extension is also known as a quasi-Galois extension.

Also see


The second definition captures the core concept of a normal extension as a field extension in which the embeddings are actually field automorphisms.

This, in turn, endows $\Gal {L / K}$ with a group structure since we can now compose embeddings.

However, in developing the theory, the first definition tends to be more useful.
