Definition:Strict Lower Closure/Element/Also known as

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Strict Lower Closure of Element: Also known as

The strict lower closure of an element $a$ also goes by the names:

strict down-set
strict down set
initial segment (particularly when $\preccurlyeq$ is a well-ordering)
strict initial segment
set of (strictly) preceding elements to $a$

The term (strict) initial segment is usually seen in discussion of the properties of ordinals.

In this context, the notation $S_a$ or $\map s a$ can often be found for $a \in S$.

On $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$, the term an initial segment of $S$ is specifically reserved for the strict lower closure of some element $a$ of $S$ under a well-ordering.

In particular, see Initial Segment of Natural Numbers.
