Definition:Torus (Topology)

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A torus is a surface obtained by identifying both pairs of opposite sides, one with the other, of a square, while retaining the orientation:


Thus in the above diagram, $AB$ is identified with $DC$ and $CB$ with $DA$.

General Definition

The $n$-dimensional torus (or $n$-torus) $\Bbb T^n$ is defined as the $n$-fold product space of the $1$-sphere.

That is:

$\ds \Bbb T^n = \prod_{i \mathop \in \N_{< n}} \Bbb S^1$


$\Bbb S^1$ denotes the $1$-sphere
$\N_{< n}$ denotes an initial segment of natural numbers
$\ds \prod_{i \mathop \in I}$ denotes the product space

Also see

  • Results about the torus can be found here.
