Definition talk:Schwartz Test Function

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The question asked: "Why not consider $\phi : \R^n \to \C$? Stating general results only for $\R$ is not effective."

Anwser: "I think I simply copied this from the textbook and later forgot about it. Be my guest."

It is far, far preferable to include the original definition as it stands, and add a more "general" definition as a subpage transcluded, with e.g. a subpage name /General Case or something.
In that case, when someone is following the book along with this website, and come to this page, they will not then be derailed by the fact that the page says something totally different.
It may or may not be a trivial difference to address the multidimensional case in the same manner as the one-dimensional case, but a beginning / struggling student may not understand that.
Or if you are really clever, and really know everything about this subject, then make the multidimensional one the main case and implement the single-dimensional case as a transcluded subpage.
In either case make sure that the single dimensional case is the one which has the textbook link implemented at the bottom.
As and when someone with a sufficiently diverse library finds a definition corresponding to the multidimensional case, then that reference can be added to that page. --prime mover (talk) 08:13, 23 July 2022 (UTC)