Equation of Unit Circle in Complex Plane/Proof 2

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Consider the unit circle $C$ whose center is at $\tuple {0, 0}$ on the complex plane.

Its equation is given by:

$\cmod z = 1$

where $\cmod z$ denotes the complex modulus of $z$.


Let $C$ be the set of points on the unit circle defined above.

Let $P$ be the set:

$\set {z \in \C: \cmod z = 1}$

Let $z = x + i y \in C$.

$z$ can be expressed in polar form as:

$z = \polar {r, \theta}$


$x = r \cos \theta$
$y = r \sin \theta$

By definition of unit circle, $z$ is $1$ unit away from $\tuple {0, 0}$.

By Pythagoras's Theorem:

$\sqrt {\paren {r \cos \theta}^2 + \paren {r \sin \theta}^2} = 1$

from which:

$\sqrt {x^2 + y^2} = 1$

By definition of complex modulus:

$\cmod z = 1$

and so $z \in P$.

Thus $C \subseteq P$.

Let $z \in P$.

Then by definition $\cmod z = 1$.

By Modulus of Complex Number equals its Distance from Origin, $z$ is $1$ unit away from $\tuple {0, 0}$.

By definition of $C$, it follows that $z \in C$.

Thus $P \subseteq C$.

The result follows by definition of set equality.
