Equivalence of Definitions of Component/Maximal Connected Set is Union of Connected Sets

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Let $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ be a topological space.

Let $x \in T$.

Let $\tilde C$ be a maximal connected set of $T$ that contains $x$.


$\tilde C = \bigcup \set {A \subseteq S : x \in A \land A \text{ is connected in } T}$.


Let $\CC_x = \set {A \subseteq S : x \in A \land A \text{ is connected in } T}$

Let $C = \bigcup \CC_x$


$C$ is connected in $T$ and $C \in \CC_x$.


By definition:

$\tilde C \in \CC_x$

From Set is Subset of Union:

$\tilde C \subseteq C$

By maximality of $\tilde C$:

$\tilde C = C$


Also see