Exchange of Order of Indexed Summations/Rectangular Domain

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Let $\mathbb A$ be one of the standard number systems $\N, \Z, \Q, \R, \C$.

Let $a, b, c, d \in \Z$ be integers.

Let $\closedint a b$ denote the integer interval between $a$ and $b$.

Let $D = \closedint a b \times \closedint c d$ be the cartesian product.

Let $f: D \to \mathbb A$ be a mapping

Then we have an equality of indexed summations:

$\ds \sum_{i \mathop = a}^b \sum_{j \mathop = c}^d \map f {i, j} = \sum_{j \mathop = c}^d \sum_{i \mathop = a}^b \map f {i, j}$

Outline of Proof

We use induction on $d$. In the induction step, we use Indexed Summation of Sum of Mappings.


The proof proceeds by induction on $d$.

Basis for the Induction

Let $d < c$.

Then the indexed summation in the right hand side is zero.

By Indexed Summation of Zero, so is the left hand side.

This is our basis for the induction.

Induction Step

Let $d \ge c$.

We have:

\(\ds \sum_{i \mathop = a}^b \sum_{j \mathop = c}^d \map f {i, j}\) \(=\) \(\ds \sum_{i \mathop = a}^b \paren {\sum_{j \mathop = c}^{d - 1} \map f {i, j} + \map f {i, d} }\) Definition of Indexed Summation
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \sum_{i \mathop = a}^b \sum_{j \mathop = c}^{d - 1} \map f {i, j} + \sum_{i \mathop = a}^b \map f {i, d}\) Indexed Summation of Sum of Mappings
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \sum_{j \mathop = c}^{d - 1} \sum_{i \mathop = a}^b \map f {i, j} + \sum_{i \mathop = a}^b \map f {i, d}\) Induction Hypothesis
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \sum_{j \mathop = c}^d \sum_{i \mathop = a}^b \map f {i, j}\) Definition of Indexed Summation

By the Principle of Mathematical Induction, the proof is complete.


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