Extension Theorem for Distributive Operations/Commutativity

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Let $\struct {R, *}$ be a commutative semigroup, all of whose elements are cancellable.

Let $\struct {T, *}$ be an inverse completion of $\struct {R, *}$.

Let $\circ$ be an operation on $R$ which distributes over $*$.

Let $\circ'$ be the unique operation on $T$ which distributes over $*$ in $T$ and induces on $R$ the operation $\circ$.


If $\circ$ is commutative, then so is $\circ'$


We have that $\circ'$ exists and is unique by Extension Theorem for Distributive Operations: Existence and Uniqueness.

Suppose $\circ$ is commutative.

As $\circ'$ distributes over $*$, for all $n \in R$, the mappings:

\(\ds x \mapsto x \circ' n\) \(,\) \(\ds x \in T\)
\(\ds x \mapsto n \circ' x\) \(,\) \(\ds x \in T\)

are endomorphisms of $\struct {T, *}$ that coincide on $R$ by the commutativity of $\circ$ and hence are the same mapping.

Therefore $\forall x \in T, n \in R: x \circ' n = n \circ' x$.

Finally, for all $y \in T$, the mappings:

\(\ds z \mapsto z \circ' y\) \(,\) \(\ds z \in T\)
\(\ds z \mapsto y \circ' z\) \(,\) \(\ds z \in T\)

are endomorphisms of $\struct {T, *}$ that coincide on $R$ by what we have proved and hence are the same mapping.

Therefore $\circ'$ is commutative.

