Filter is Prime iff For Every Element Element either Negation Belongs to Filter in Boolean Lattice

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Let $B = \struct {S, \vee, \wedge, \neg, \preceq}$ be a Boolean lattice.

Let $F$ be a filter in $B$.


$F$ is prime

if and only if

$\forall x \in S: x \in F \lor \paren {\neg x} \in F$


Sufficient Condition

Let $F$ be prime.

Let $x \in S$.

By definition of Boolean lattice:

$x \vee \neg x = \top$

where $\top$ denotes the top of $B$.

By definition of non-empty set:

$\exists y: y \in F$

By definition of greatest element:

$y \preceq \top$

By definition of upper section:

$\top \in F$

Thus by definition of prime filter:

$x \in F$ or $\neg x \in F$


Necessary Condition

Assume that

$\forall x \in S: x \in F \lor \paren {\neg x} \in F$

Let $a, b \in S$ such that

$a \vee b \in F$

Aiming for a contradiction, suppose

$a \notin F$ and $b \notin F$

By assumption:

$\neg a \in F$ and $\neg b \in F$

By Filtered in Meet Semilattice:

$\paren {\neg a} \wedge \paren {\neg b} \in F$

By De Morgan's Laws (Boolean Algebras):

$\map \neg {a \vee b} \in F$

By Filtered in Meet Semilattice:

$\paren {a \vee b} \wedge \map \neg {a \vee b} \in F$

By definition of Boolean lattice:

$\bot \in F$

where $\bot$ denotes the bottom of $B$.

By definition of smallest element:

$\bot \preceq a$

By definition of upper section:

$a \in F$

This contradicts $a \notin F$

Thus by Proof by Contradiction

the result holds.

