Gigantic Palindromic Prime

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The integer defined as:

$10^{11 \, 810} + 1 \, 465 \, 641 \times 10^{5902} + 1$

is a gigantic prime which is also palindromic.

That is:


where $\left({a}\right)_b$ means $b$ instances of $a$ in a string.


It is clear that this number is palindromic.

It is also noted that it has $1 + 5901 + 7 + 5901 + 1 = 11 \, 811$ digits, making it gigantic.

It was checked that it is a prime number using the "Alpertron" Integer factorisation calculator on $6$th March $2022$.

This took approximately $4$ minutes.


  • 1994: Palindromic Primes with a Palindromic Prime Number of Digits (J. Recr. Math. Vol. 26, no. 4: p. 256)