Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/50 - Exploring Mount Neverest

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Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $50$

Exploring Mount Neverest
Professor Walkingholme, one of the exploring party, was allotted the special task of making a complete circuit of the base of the mountain at a certain level.
The circuit was exactly $100$ miles in length and he had to do it all alone on foot.
He could walk $20$ miles a day, but he could only carry rations for $2$ days at a time,
the rations for each day being packed in sealed boxes for convenience in dumping.
He walked his full $20$ miles every day and consumed $1$ day's ration as he walked.
What is the shortest time in which he could complete the circuit?
This simple question will be found to form one of the most fascinating puzzles that we have considered for some time.
It made a considerable demand on Professor Walkingholme's well-known ingenuity.

Click here for solution

Historical Note

In the words of Dudeney himself:

The idea was suggested to me by Mr. H.F. Heath.
