Henry Ernest Dudeney/Modern Puzzles/Arithmetical and Algebraical Problems/Digital Puzzles

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Henry Ernest Dudeney: Modern Puzzles: Arithmetical and Algebraical Problems

$51$ - An Exceptional Number

A number is formed of $5$ successive digits (not necessarily in regular order)
so that the number formed by the first $2$ multiplied by the central digit will produce the number expressed by the last $2$.

$52$ - The Five Cards

I have $5$ cards bearing the figures $1$, $3$, $5$, $7$ and $9$.
How can I arrange them in a row so that the number formed by the $1$st pair multipied by the number formed with the last pair,
with the central number subtracted,
will produce a number composed of repetitions of one figure?

$53$ - Squares and Digits

What is the smallest square number that terminates with the greatest possible number of similar digits?
Thus the greatest possible number might be $5$ and the smallest square number with $5$ similar digits at the end might be $24677777$.
But this is certainly not a square number.
Of course, $0$ is not to be regarded as a digit.

$54$ - The Two Additions

Can you arrange the following figures into two groups of $4$ figures each so that each group shall add to the same sum?
$1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 7 \ 8 \ 9$

$55$ - The Repeated Quartette

If we multiply $64253$ by $365$ we get the product $23452345$, where the first $4$ figures are repeated.
What is the largest number that we can multiply by $365$ in order to produce a similar product of $8$ figures repeated in the same order?
There is no objection to a repetition of figures -- that is, the $4$ that are repeated need not be all different, as in the case shown.

$56$ - Easy Division

To divide the number $8 \, 101 \, 265 \, 822 \, 784$ by $8$, all we need to do is transfer the $8$ from the beginning to the end!
Can you find a number beginning with $7$ that can be divided by $7$ in the same simple manner?

$57$ - A Misunderstanding

An American correspondent asks me to find a number composed of any number of digits that may be correctly divided by $2$
by simply transferring the last figure to the beginning.
He has apparently come across our last puzzle with the conditions wrongly stated.
If you are to transfer the first figure to the end it is solved by $315 \, 789 \, 473 \, 684 \, 210 \, 526$,
and a solution may easily be found from this with any given figure at the beginning.
But if the figure is to be moved from the end to the beginning, there is no possible solution for the divisor $2$.
But there is a solution for the divisor $3$.
Can you find it?

$58$ - The Two Fours

The point [of the Four Fours puzzle] is to express all possible whole numbers with four fours (no more and no fewer), using the various arithmetical signs.
$17 = 4 \times 4 + \dfrac 4 4$
$50 = 44 + 4 + \sqrt 4$

All numbers up to $112$ inclusive may be solved, using only the signs for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square root, decimal points, and the factorial sign $4!$ which means $1 \times 2 \times 3 \times 4$, or $24$, but $113$ is impossible.
It is necessary to discover which numbers can be formed with one four, with two fours, and with three fours, and to record these for combination as required.
It is the failure to find some of these that leads to so much difficulty.
For example, I think very few discover that $64$ can be expressed with only two fours.
Can the reader do it?

$59$ - The Two Digits

Write down any $2$-figure number (different figures and no $0$)
and then express that number by writing the same figures in reverse order,
with or without arithmetical signs.

$60$ - Digital Coincidences

If I multiply, and also add, $9$ and $9$, I get $81$ and $18$, which contain the same figures.
If I multiply and add $2$ and $47$ I get $94$ and $49$ -- the same figures.
If I multiply and add $3$ and $24$ I get the same figures -- $72$ and $27$.
Can you find two numbers that, when multiplied and added will, in this simple manner, produce the same three figures?

$61$ - Palindromic Square Numbers

This is a curious subject for investigation -- the search for square numbers the figures of which read backwards and forwards alike.
Some of them are very easily found.
For example, the squares of $1$, $11$, $111$ and $1111$ are respectively $1$, $121$, $12321$, and $1234321$, all palindromes,
and the rule applies for any number of $1$'s provided the number does not contain more than nine.
But there are other cases that we may call irregular, such as the square of $264 = 69696$ and the square of $2285 = 5221225$.
Now, all the examples I have given contain an odd number of digits.
Can the reader find a case where the square palindrome contains an even number of figures?

$62$ - Factorizing

What are the factors (the numbers that will divide it without any remainder) of this number -- $1000000000001$?
This is easily done if you happen to know something about numbers of this peculiar form.
In fact, it is just as easy for me to give two factors if you insert, say $101$ noughts, instead of $11$, between the two ones.
There is a curious, easy, and beautiful rule for these cases.
Can you find it?

$63$ - Find the Factors

Find $2$ whole numbers with the smallest possible difference between them
which, when multiplied together, will produce $1234567890$.

$64$ - Dividing by Eleven

If the $9$ digits are written at haphazard in any order,
for example $4 \ 1 \ 2 \ 5 \ 3 \ 9 \ 7 \ 6 \ 8$, what are the chances that the number that happens to be produced will be divisible by $11$ without remainder?
The number I have written at random is not, I see, so divisible, but if I had happened to make the $1$ and the $8$ change places it would be.

$65$ - Dividing by $37$

I want to know whether the number $49,129,308,213$ is exactly divisible by $37$,
or if not, what is the remainder when so divided.
How may I do this quite easily without any process of actual division whatever?

$66$ - Another $37$ Division

If the $9$ digits are written at haphazard in any order, for example $412539768$,
what are the chances that the number that happens to be produced will be divisible by $37$ without remainder?

$67$ - A Digital Difficulty

Arrange the $10$ digits, $1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 \ 8 \ 9 \ 0$, in such order that they shall form a number
that may be divided by every number from $2$ to $18$ without in any case a remainder.

$68$ - Threes and Sevens

What is the smallest number composed only of the digits $3$ and $7$ that may be divided by $3$ and $7$,
and also the sum of its digits by $3$ and $7$, without any remainder.

$69$ - Root Extraction

In a conversation I had with Professor Simon Greathead, the eminent mathematician, ...
the extraction of the cube root.
"Ah," said the professor, "it is astounding what ignorance prevails ...
... the simple fact that, to extract the cube root of a number, all you have to do is to add together the digits.
Thus, ignoring the obvious case of the number $1$, if we want the cube root of $512$, add the digits -- $8$, and there you are!"
I suggested that that was a special case.
"Not at all," he replied. "Take another number at random -- $4913$ -- and the digits add to $17$, the cube of which is $4913$."
I did not presume to argue the point with the learned man,
but I will just ask the reader to discover all the other numbers whose cube root is the same as the sum of their digits.

$70$ - The Solitary Seven


$71$ - A Complete Skeleton

         ** *
         ** *

$72$ - Alphabetical Sums


$73$ - Alphabetical Arithmetic

                            F G
 Less A B multiplied by C = D E
                   Leaving  H I

$74$ - Queer Division

Find the smallest number which when divided successively by $45$, $454$, $4545$, and $45454$
leaves the remainders $4$, $45$, $454$, and $4545$ respectively.

$75$ - A Teasing Legacy

Professor Rackbrain left his typist what he called a trifle of a legacy if she was able to claim it.
The legacy was the largest amount that she could find in an addition sum,
where pounds, shillings and pence were all represented and no digit used more than once.
Every digit must be used once, a single $0$ may or may not appear, as in the examples below, and the dash may be employed in the manner shown.
 £  s. d.      £  s. d.
 -  3  7       4  2  5
 -  4  8       6  7  3
 -  5  9      --------
 1  6  -     £10  9  8
£2  -  -
The young lady was cleverer than he thought.
What was the largest amount that she could claim?

$76$ - The Nine Volumes

In a small bookcase were arranged $9$ volumes of some big work,
numbered from $1$ to $9$ inclusive,
on $3$ shelves exactly as shown:
  26  5  9
 184     3
The $9$ digits express money value.
You will see that they are so arranged that $\pounds 26 \ 5 \shillings \ 9 \oldpence$ multiplied by $7$ will produce $\pounds 184 \ 0 \shillings \ 3 \oldpence$
Every digit represented once, and yet they form a correct sum in the multiplication of money.
But in the blank shillings space in the bottom row is a slight defect, and I want to correct it.
The puzzle is to use the multiplier $3$, instead of $7$, and get a correct result with the $9$ volumes, without any blank space;
with pounds, shillings and pence all represented in both the top and bottom line.

$77$ - The Ten Volumes

As an extension of the last puzzle, let us introduce a $10$th volume marked $0$.
If we arrange the $10$ volumes as follows, we get a sum of money correctly multiplied by $2$.
  54  3  9
 108  7  6
Can you do the same thing with the multiplier $4$ so that the $9$ digits and $0$ are all represented,
once and once only?