Henry Ernest Dudeney/Puzzles and Curious Problems/364 - Cupid's Arithmetic/Solution

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Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney: $364$

Cupid's Arithmetic
Dora Crackham one morning produced a slip of paper bearing the jumble of figures shown in our diagram.
She said that a young mathematician had this poser presented to him by his betrothed when she was in a playful mood.
"What am I to do with it?" asked George.
"Just interpret its meaning," she replied. "If it is properly regarded it should not be difficult to decipher."


All the young mathematician had to do was to reverse the paper and hold it up to the light,
or hold it in front of a mirror,
where he would immediately see that his betrothed's curious jumble of figures will read:
"Kiss me, dearest."
