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The Writings of Aristotle

Only about a third of the writings of Aristotle survive. As can be expected, those that did have been extensively studied and catalogued. The entire collection is referred to as the Corpus Aristotelicum.

A standard way of referring to them is by Bekker number, named for August Immanuel Bekker, who published a definitive version of Aristotle's works between $1831$ and $1870$.

Complete works by Bekker numbers

The following list is complete. The titles are in accordance with the standard set by the 1984 Revised Oxford Translation (The Complete Works of Aristotle, edited by Jonathan Barnes, 2 vols).

Also given are the Latin titles. Disputed works are marked by *, and ** marks a work generally agreed to be spurious.

Logic (Organon)

Physics (the study of nature)


Ethics and Politics

  • (1094a) Nicomachean Ethics (or Ethica Nicomachea)
  • (1181a) Great Ethics* (Magna Moralia)
  • (1214a) Eudemian Ethics (or Ethica Eudemia)
  • (1249a) On Virtues and Vices** (or De Virtutibus et Vitiis Libellus)
  • (1252a) Politics (or Politica)
  • (1343a) Economics* (or Oeconomica)

Rhetoric and Poetics

Historical Note

According to the Greek historian Strabo (63 BCE - 24 CE), the itinerary of Aristotle's writings was as follows:

  • 322 BCE: After Aristotle died, all his writings passed into the hands of his pupil Theophrastus.
  • c. 285 BCE: When Theophrastus died, his complete library (including the works of Aristotle) passed to Neleus of Skepsis in Asia Minor, where they were abandoned for 200 years. Their condition deteriorated.
  • 1st century BCE: They were bought by of Teos Apellicon of Teos who had them copied. Some of the damaged sections were restored, often erroneously.
  • 84 BCE: They were then seized as booty by Sulla who took them to Rome.
  • 40 - 20 BCE: They were published by Andronicus of Rhodes.
