Maximization Problem for Independence Systems

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Let $\struct{S,\mathscr F}$ be an independence system.

Let $w:S \to \R_{\ge 0}$ be a weight function.

The maximization problem $\struct{\mathscr F, w}$ for $\struct{S,\mathscr F}$ is the computational problem to find a subset $A_0$ of $S$ with the properties:

$(1)\quad A_0 \in \mathscr F$
$(2)\quad \map {w^+} {A_0} = \max \set{\map {w^+} A : A \in \mathscr F}$

where $w^+$ is the extended weight function of $w$.

Greedy Algorithm

The purpose of this algorithm is to produce a maximal set of $\mathscr F$ with maximum weight for the maximization problem $\struct{\mathscr F, w}$.

The greedy algorithm for the maximization problem $\struct{\mathscr F, w}$ proceeds as follows:

Step 1: Start with $A_0 = \O$.
Step 2: Choose $x \in S \setminus A_0$ such that:
a): $A_0 \cup \set x \in \mathscr F$
b): $\map w x = \max \set{\map w y : y \in S \setminus A_0 \land A_0 \cup \set y \in \mathscr F}$.
Step 3: If no such $x$ exists, stop. Otherwise, add $x$ to $A_0$.
Step 4: Go to Step 2.

Also see
