Nakayama's Lemma/Proof 1

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Let $A$ be a commutative ring with unity.

Let $M$ be a finitely generated $A$-module.

Let $\map {\operatorname{Jac} } A$ be the Jacobson radical of $A$.

Let $\mathfrak a \subseteq \map {\operatorname{Jac} } A$ be an ideal of $A$.

Suppose $\mathfrak a M = M$.


$M = 0$


We induct on the number of generators of $M$.

Basis for the Induction

Let $M$ have a single generator $m_1 \in M$.

Then $\mathfrak a m_1 = M$.


$m_1 \in \mathfrak a m_1$

That is:

$m_1 = a m_1$

for some $a \in \mathfrak a$.

By Characterisation of Jacobson Radical, $1 - a$ is a unit in $A$.


$\paren {1 - a}^{-1} \paren {1 - a} m = 0$

thus $m = 0$.

Inductive Step

Suppose that $M$ is generated by $n$ elements:

$M = A m_1 + \dotsb + A m_n$

for some $m_1, \dotsc, m_n \in M$.

Then we have:

$M = \mathfrak a M = \mathfrak a m_1 + \dotsb + \mathfrak a m_n $

Thus for some $a_1, \dotsc, a_n \in \mathfrak a$:

$ m_1 = a_1 m_1 + \dotsb + a_n m_n $


$\paren {1 - a_1} m_1 = a_2 m_2 + \dotsb + a_n m_n$

By Characterisation of Jacobson Radical, $1 - a$ is a unit in $A$.

Multiplying both sides by $\paren {1 - a_1}^{-1}$ gives:

$m_1 = \paren {1 - a_1}^{-1} a_2 m_2 + \dotsb + \paren {1 - a_1}^{-1} a_n m_n$

so we have:

$m_1 \in A m_2 + \cdots + A m_n$

Therefore $M$ has $n - 1$ generators $m_2, \dotsc, m_n$.

By the induction hypothesis:

$\mathfrak a M = M \implies M = 0$
