Natural Numbers Bounded Below under Addition form Commutative Semigroup

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Let $m \in \N$ where $\N$ is the set of natural numbers.

Let $M \subseteq \N$ be defined as:

$M := \set {x \in \N: x \ge m}$

That is, $M$ is the set of all natural numbers greater than or equal to $m$.

Then the algebraic structure $\struct {M, +}$ is a commutative semigroup.


We have that:

Natural Number Addition is Associative
Natural Number Addition is Commutative

From Restriction of Associative Operation is Associative, $+$ is associative on $\struct {M, +}$.

From Restriction of Commutative Operation is Commutative, $+$ is commutative on $\struct {M, +}$.

It remains to be shown that $+$ is closed on $\struct {M, +}$.

Let $a, b \in M$.

Then $\exists r, s \in \N: a = m + r, b = m + s$.


\(\ds a + b\) \(=\) \(\ds \paren {m + r} + \paren {m + s}\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds m + \paren {m + r + s}\)
\(\ds \) \(\ge\) \(\ds m\)

So $a + b \in M$ and so $+$ is closed on $\struct {M, +}$.
