Natural Numbers with Extension fulfil Naturally Ordered Semigroup Axioms 1, 3 and 4

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Let $\N$ denote the set of natural numbers.

Let $\beta$ be an object such that $\beta \notin \N$

Let $M = \N \cup \set \beta$.

Let us extend the operation of natural number addition from $\N$ to $M$ by defining:

\(\ds 0 + \beta\) \(=\) \(\ds \beta + 0 = \beta\)
\(\ds \beta + \beta\) \(=\) \(\ds \beta\)
\(\ds n + \beta\) \(=\) \(\ds \beta + n = n\)

There exists a unique total ordering $\le$ on $M$ such that:

the restriction of $\le$ to $\N$ is the given total ordering $\le$ on $\N$
$0 < \beta < 1$

such that the algebraic structure:

$\struct {M, +, \le}$

is an ordered semigroup which fulfils the axioms:

Naturally Ordered Semigroup Axiom $\text {NO} 1$: Well-Ordered
Naturally Ordered Semigroup Axiom $\text {NO} 3$: Existence of Product
Naturally Ordered Semigroup Axiom $\text {NO} 4$: Existence of Distinct Elements


does not fulfil Naturally Ordered Semigroup Axiom $\text {NO} 2$: Cancellability
$\struct {M, +}$ is not isomorphic to $\struct {\N, +}$.


Recall the axioms:

A naturally ordered semigroup is a (totally) ordered commutative semigroup $\struct {S, \circ, \preceq}$ satisfying:

\((\text {NO} 1)\)   $:$   $S$ is well-ordered by $\preceq$      \(\ds \forall T \subseteq S:\) \(\ds T = \O \lor \exists m \in T: \forall n \in T: m \preceq n \)      
\((\text {NO} 2)\)   $:$   $\circ$ is cancellable in $S$      \(\ds \forall m, n, p \in S:\) \(\ds m \circ p = n \circ p \implies m = n \)      
\(\ds p \circ m = p \circ n \implies m = n \)      
\((\text {NO} 3)\)   $:$   Existence of product      \(\ds \forall m, n \in S:\) \(\ds m \preceq n \implies \exists p \in S: m \circ p = n \)      
\((\text {NO} 4)\)   $:$   $S$ has at least two distinct elements      \(\ds \exists m, n \in S:\) \(\ds m \ne n \)      

Some lemmata:

Lemma 1

The algebraic structure:

$\struct {M, +}$

is a commutative monoid such that $0$ is the identity.

Lemma 2

There exists a unique total ordering $\preccurlyeq$ on $M$ such that:

the restriction of $\preccurlyeq$ to $\N$ is the given total ordering $\le$ on $\N$
$0 \prec \beta \prec 1$

This total ordering we will rename $\le$ to overload the notation for $\N$.

Lemma 3

The algebraic structure:

$\struct {M, +}$

is not isomorphic to $\struct {\N, +}$.

Naturally Ordered Semigroup Axiom $\text {NO} 1$: Well-Ordered

Let $S \subseteq M$ such that $\beta \notin S$.


$S \subseteq \N$

By the Well-Ordering Principle, $\struct {\N, \le}$ is a well-ordered set.

Hence $S$ is well-ordered.

Hence by definition, $S$ has a smallest element

Let $T \subseteq M$ such that $\beta \in T$.

Case $1$
$0 \in T$

Then as $0 < \beta$ we have that:

$\forall x \in T: 0 \le x$

and so $T$ has a smallest element, that is, $0$.

Case $2$
$0 \notin T$

From Lemma $2$ we have that $\le$ is a total ordering such that:

$\forall x \in T: \beta \le x$

and so $T$ has a smallest element, that is, $\beta$.

Hence it has been shown that every subset of $M$ has a smallest element.

That is, $\struct {M, \le}$ is a well-ordered set.

Hence Naturally Ordered Semigroup Axiom $\text {NO} 1$: Well-Ordered holds.


Naturally Ordered Semigroup Axiom $\text {NO} 3$: Existence of Product

By the construction of the natural numbers, $\struct {\N, +, \le}$ is a naturally ordered semigroup.

Hence Naturally Ordered Semigroup Axiom $\text {NO} 3$: Existence of Product holds for $\N$:

$\forall m, n \in \N: m \le n \implies \exists p \in \N: m + p = n$


$\forall m, n \in M \setminus \set \beta: m \le n \implies \exists p \in \N: m + p = n$

Now consider $\beta \in M$.

Case 1

Let $m \in M: m \le \beta$.

Then either:

$m = \beta$

in which case:

$\exists \beta \in M: m + \beta = \beta$


$m = 0$

in which case also:

$\exists \beta \in M: m + \beta = \beta$
Case 2

Let $n \in M: \beta \le n$.


$\exists n \in \N: n + \beta = n$

and it is seen that Naturally Ordered Semigroup Axiom $\text {NO} 3$: Existence of Product holds.


Naturally Ordered Semigroup Axiom $\text {NO} 4$: Existence of Distinct Elements

We have that:

$0 \in M$


$1 \in M$

and trivially Naturally Ordered Semigroup Axiom $\text {NO} 4$: Existence of Distinct Elements holds.


Naturally Ordered Semigroup Axiom $\text {NO} 2$: Cancellability

We have that:

$\forall n \in M \setminus \set 0: n + 0 = n + \beta = n$

but it is not the case that $0 = \beta$.

That is, $\struct {M, +, \le}$ does not fulfil Naturally Ordered Semigroup Axiom $\text {NO} 2$: Cancellability.


Hence the result.

