Number of Significant Figures in Result of Addition or Subtraction/Examples/3.16 + 2.7

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Example of Use of Number of Significant Figures in Result of Addition or Subtraction

$3 \cdotp 16 + 2 \cdotp 7 = 5 \cdotp 9$


We have that:

the leftmost significant figure $d_m$ of $3 \cdotp 16$ is the $10^{-2}$ position
the leftmost significant figure $d_n$ of $2 \cdotp 7$ is the $10^{-1}$ position.

So from Number of Significant Figures in Result of Addition or Subtraction:

the leftmost significant figure of $3 \cdotp 16 + 2 \cdotp 7$ is the rightmost of $10^{-2}$ and $10^{-1}$, that is $10^{-1}$.

\(\ds 3 \cdotp 16 + 2 \cdotp 7\) \(=\) \(\ds 5 \cdotp 86\) by calculation
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds 5 \cdotp 9\) to the nearest $10^{-1}$

