Number times Recurring Part of Reciprocal gives 9-Repdigit/Mistake/Second Edition

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Source Work

1997: David Wells: Curious and Interesting Numbers (2nd ed.):

The Dictionary


This is a property of all the periods of repeating decimals. If the period of $n$ is multiplied by $n$, the result is as many $9$s as there are digits in the period of $1/n$.

In Curious and Interesting Numbers of $1986$, this statement is even more incorrect:

This is a property of all the periods of repeating decimals. If the period of $n$ is multiplied by $n$, the result is as many $9$s as there are digits in $n$.

so clearly some work has been done on it. However, it is still not completely accurate.


This should read:

This is a property of all the periods of reciprocals of (strictly) positive integers. If the period of $1/n$ is multiplied by $n$, the result is as many $9$s as there are digits in the period of $1/n$.

But even then, this appears not to be true.

The number $6$, for example, does not have this property.

$\dfrac 1 6 = 0 \cdotp 1 \dot 6$


$6 \times 6 = 36$

which is not equal to $9$ as the theorem states ought to be the case.

Research is ongoing as to what the theorem should actually say.
