Open Set is Union of Elements of Basis

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Let $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ be a topological space.

Let $B$ be a basis of $T$.

Let $V$ be an open subset of $S$.

Then $V = \bigcup \set {G \in B: G \subseteq V}$


Let $x$ be arbitrary.

We will prove that:

$x \in V \implies \exists Y \in \set {G \in B: G \subseteq V}: x \in Y$

Assume that:

$x \in V$

By definition of basis:

$\exists F \subseteq B: V = \bigcup F$

By definition of union:

$\exists Y \in F: x \in Y$

By Set is Subset of Union/General Result:

$Y \subseteq V$

Thus by definition of subset:

$Y \in \set {G \in B: G \subseteq V}$


$x \in Y$


Assume that:

$\exists Y \in \set {G \in B: G \subseteq V}: x \in Y$

By assumption:

$Y \subseteq V$

Thus by definition of subset:

$x \in V$

Hence by definition of union:

$V = \bigcup \set {G \in B: G \subseteq V}$

