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Examples of Parenthesis

Example $1$

Consider the following this formula of propositional logic:

$p \land q \lor r$

This can mean either:

the conjunction of $p$ with $q \lor r$


the disjunction of $p \land q$ with $r$.

Using parenthesis, the ambiguity is removed by presenting what is required either as:

$p \land \paren {q \lor r}$


$\paren {p \land q} \lor r$

Example $2$

Consider the following this formula of propositional logic:

$p \lor q \implies \neg \, r \implies p \land q$

This can be interpreted in several different ways:

If either $p$ or $q$ is true, then it is not the case that the truth of $r$ implies the truth of both $p$ and $q$.
Either $p$ is true, or if $q$ is true, then it is not the case that the truth of $r$ implies the truth of both $p$ and $q$.
and so on.

So we need a way, for such a formula, to determine which of these interpretations is the one intended.

In the example above, the two different interpretations will be written in the style we have chosen as:

$\paren {p \lor q} \implies \paren {\neg \paren {r \implies \paren {p \land q} } }$
$p \lor \paren {q \implies \paren {\neg \paren {r \implies \paren {p \land q} } } }$

In these expressions, $\paren {p \lor q}$ and $\paren {\neg \paren {r \implies \paren {p \land q} } }$ are examples of formulas in parenthesis.

Note that while the latter expressions may in fact be WFFs of propositional logic, the ambiguous expression they were derived from is not.

Example $3$

In the expression:

$3 \paren {6 - 4}$

the $6 - 4$ part is in parenthesis, or aggregated, before being multiplied by $3$.