Paths of Minimal Length from Vertex form Tree

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Let $G = \struct {V, E}$ be a simple graph.

Let $r \in V$ be a vertex in $G$.

Let $P$ be the set of minimal length paths beginning at $r$.

Let $p, q \in P$.

Let $E'$ be defined as follows:

$\set {p, q} \in E'$ if and only if either:

$q$ is formed by extending $p$ with one edge of $E$ and one vertex of $V$


$p$ is formed by extending $q$ with one edge of $E$ and one vertex of $V$.

Then $T = \struct {P, E'}$ is a tree.


Let $\tuple r$ be the $0$-length $G$-path whose only vertex is $r$.


We will show that there is a $T$-path from $\tuple r$ to each element $p$ of $P$.

We proceed by induction on the length of $p$.

Let $p$ have length $0$.

Then by definition:

$p = \tuple r$

Thus the $0$-length $T$-path $\tuple {\tuple r}$ connects $\tuple r$ to $p$.

Suppose that there is a $T$-path from $\tuple r$ to each element of $P$ of length $n$.

Let $p \in P$ have length $n + 1$ and final vertex $z$.

Let $p^*$ be the $G$-path obtained from $p$ by removing the last vertex and the last edge.

Then $p^*$ is a $G$-path of length $n$.

We must show that $p^* \in P$.

Let $w$ be the last vertex of $p^*$.

Aiming for a contradiction, suppose $p^* \notin P$.

Then by definition of $P$, there is a $G$-path $m$ from $r$ to $w$ which is shorter than $p^*$.

But then appending the last edge and vertex of $p$ to $m$, one obtains a $G$-path from $r$ to $z$ which is shorter than $p$.

This contradicts the supposition that $p \in P$.

Thus we conclude that $p^* \in P$.

By the inductive hypothesis, there is a $T$-path $b$ from $\tuple r$ to $p^*$.

Then by definition of $E'$, there is an edge from $p^*$ to $p$.

Appending that edge and $p$ to $b$ yields a $T$-path from $\tuple r$ to $p$.

As such a $T$-path exists for each $p \in P$, $T$ is connected.

