Polynomial Factor Theorem/Corollary/Complex Numbers

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Corollary to Polynomial Factor Theorem

Let $\map P z$ be a polynomial in $z$ over the complex numbers $\C$ of degree $n$.

Suppose there exists $\zeta \in \C: \map P \zeta = 0$.


$\map P z = \paren {x - \zeta} \map Q z$

where $\map Q z$ is a polynomial of degree $n - 1$.

Hence, if $\zeta_1, \zeta_2, \ldots, \zeta_n \in \C$ such that all are different, and $\map P {\zeta_1} = \map P {\zeta_2} = \dotsb = \map P {\zeta_n} = 0$, then:

$\ds \map P z = k \prod_{j \mathop = 1}^n \paren {z - \zeta_j}$

where $k \in \C$.


Recall that Complex Numbers form Field.

The result then follows from the Polynomial Factor Theorem.


Also known as

Some sources refer to the Polynomial Factor Theorem (and its variants) as the Factor Theorem, but there are multiple theorems with this name.
