Power of 2^10 Minus Power of 10^3 is Divisible by 24/Example

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Example of Power of $2^{10}$ Minus Power of $10^3$ is Divisible by $24$

Let us examine arguably the flagship example, the smallest number whose compliance is not obvious nor trivial:

$1 \, 048 \, 576$

This is equal to $2^{20}$, which is equal to $2^{10 \times 2}$, thus one of the valid powers of $2$.

We then subtract $10^{3 \times 2}$, or $10^6$:

$1 \, 048 \, 576 - 1 \, 000 \, 000 = 48 \, 576$

and we see that:

$48 \, 576 = 2024 \times 24$

satisfying the theorem.