Primes not Sum of or Difference between Powers of 2 and 3/Mistake

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Source Work

1997: David Wells: Curious and Interesting Numbers (2nd ed.):

The Dictionary


[$53$ is] The smallest prime which is not the difference between powers of $2$ and $3$. The sequence of such primes continues: $71 \quad 103 \quad 107 \quad 109 \quad 149 \quad 151 \ldots$


This should read:

[$53$ is] The smallest prime which is neither the sum of nor difference between powers of $2$ and $3$. The sequence of such primes continues: $71 \quad 103 \quad 107 \quad 109 \quad 149 \quad 151 \ldots$

We note that $43 = 2^5 + 3^2$ but cannot be expressed as the difference between powers of $2$ and $3$.
