Product of GCD and LCM/Proof 3

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$\lcm \set {a, b} \times \gcd \set {a, b} = \size {a b}$


$\lcm \set {a, b}$ denotes the lowest common multiple of $a$ and $b$
$\gcd \set {a, b}$ denotes the greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$.


Let $d := \gcd \set {a, b}$.

Then by definition of the GCD, there exist $j_1, j_2 \in \Z$ such that $a = d j_1$ and $b = d j_2$.

Because $d$ divides both $a$ and $b$, it must divide their product:

$\exists l \in \Z$ such that $a b = d l$

Then we have:

\(\ds d l\) \(=\) \(\, \ds \paren {d j_1} b \, \) \(\, \ds = \, \) \(\ds a \paren {d j_2}\)
\(\ds \leadsto \ \ \) \(\ds l\) \(=\) \(\, \ds j_1 b \, \) \(\, \ds = \, \) \(\ds a j_2\)

showing that $a \divides l$ and $b \divides l$.

That is, $l$ is a common multiple of $a$ and $b$.

Now it must be shown that $l$ is the least such number.

Let $m$ be any common multiple of $a$ and $b$.

Then there exist $k_1, k_2 \in \Z$ such that $m = a k_1 = b k_2$.

By Bézout's Identity:

$\exists x, y \in \Z: d = a x + b y$


\(\ds m d\) \(=\) \(\ds m a x + m b y\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \paren {b k_2} a x + \paren {a k_1} b y\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds a b \paren {b k_2 + a k_1}\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds d l \paren {b k_2 + a k_1}\)


$m = l \paren {b k_2 + a k_1}$

that is, $l \divides m$.

Hence by definition of the LCM:

$\lcm \set {a, b} = l$

In conclusion:

$a b = d l = \gcd \set {a, b} \cdot \lcm \set {a, b}$
