Product of r Choose k with r Minus Half Choose k

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Formulation 1

Let $k \in \Z$, $r \in \R$.

$\dbinom r k \dbinom {r - \frac 1 2} k = \dfrac {\dbinom {2 r} k \dbinom {2 r - k} k} {4^k}$

where $\dbinom r k$ denotes a binomial coefficient.

Formulation 2

Let $k \in \Z$, $r \in \R$.

$\dbinom r k \dbinom {r - \frac 1 2} k = \dfrac {\dbinom {2 r} {2 k} \dbinom {2 k} k} {4^k}$

where $\dbinom r k$ denotes a binomial coefficient.
