Product with Inverse on Homomorphic Image is Group Homomorphism/Examples

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Examples of Use of Product with Inverse on Homomorphic Image is Group Homomorphism

Mapping from Dihedral Group $D_3$ to Parity Group

Let $D_3$ denote the symmetry group of the equilateral triangle:

\(\ds e\) \(:\) \(\ds (A) (B) (C)\) Identity mapping
\(\ds p\) \(:\) \(\ds (ABC)\) Rotation of $120 \degrees$ anticlockwise about center
\(\ds q\) \(:\) \(\ds (ACB)\) Rotation of $120 \degrees$ clockwise about center
\(\ds r\) \(:\) \(\ds (BC)\) Reflection in line $r$
\(\ds s\) \(:\) \(\ds (AC)\) Reflection in line $s$
\(\ds t\) \(:\) \(\ds (AB)\) Reflection in line $t$


Let $G$ denote the parity group, defined as:

$\struct {\set {1, -1}, \times}$

where $\times$ denotes conventional multiplication.

Let $\theta: D_3 \to G$ be the homomorphism defined as:

$\forall x \in D_3: \map \theta x = \begin{cases} 1 & : \text{$x$ is a rotation} \\ -1 & : \text{$x$ is a reflection} \end{cases}$

Let $\phi: D_3 \times D_3 \to G$ be the mapping defined as:

$\forall \tuple {g_1, g_2} \in D_3 \times D_3: \map \phi {g_1, g_2} = \map \theta {g_1} \map \theta {g_2}^{-1}$

Then the kernel $\map \ker \phi$ is the set of all pairs $\tuple {g_1, g_2}$ of elements of $D_3$ such that:

$g_1$ and $g_2$ are both rotations
$g_1$ and $g_2$ are both reflections.