Properties of Line of Electric Force

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Lines of electric force have the following properties:

Line of Electric Force is Continuous

Let $\mathbf E$ be an electric field.

Let $L$ be a line of force within $\mathbf E$.

Then, except for the positive charge or negative charge at which $L$ may start or end, $L$ is continuous.

Lines of Electric Force do not Cross

Let $\mathbf E$ be an electric field.

Let $L_1$ and $L_2$ be lines of force within $\mathbf E$.

Then $L_1$ and $L_2$ do not cross over each other.

Direction of Line of Electric Force

Let $\mathbf E$ be an electric field.

Let $L$ be a line of force within $\mathbf E$.

Then $L$ has one of the following properties:

$(1): \quad$ Begins on a positively charged body and ends on a negatively charged body
$(2): \quad$ Begins on a positively charged body and goes to infinity without terminating
$(3): \quad$ Comes from infinity without a start point and ends on a negatively charged body.
