Properties of Natural Numbers

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Natural Numbers are Infinite

The set $\N$ of natural numbers is infinite.

Note that by definition of countability, $\N$ is a countable set.

Natural Number Addition is Closed

The operation of addition on the set of natural numbers $\N$ is closed:

$\forall x, y \in \N: x + y \in \N$

Natural Number Addition is Associative

The operation of addition on the set of natural numbers $\N$ is associative:

$\forall x, y, z \in \N: x + \paren {y + z} = \paren {x + y} + z$

Natural Numbers under Addition form Commutative Monoid

The algebraic structure $\struct {\N, +}$ consisting of the set of natural numbers $\N$ under addition $+$ is a commutative monoid whose identity is zero.

Natural Number Addition is Commutative

The operation of addition on the set of natural numbers $\N$ is commutative:

$\forall m, n \in \N: m + n = n + m$

Identity Element of Natural Number Addition is Zero

The identity element for the natural numbers under addition is zero ($0$):

$\forall n \in \N: 0 + n = n$

Non-Zero Natural Numbers under Multiplication form Commutative Monoid

Let $\N_{>0}$ be the set of natural numbers without zero, i.e. $\N_{>0} = \N \setminus \set 0$.

The structure $\struct{\N_{>0}, \times}$ forms a commutative monoid.

Natural Number Multiplication is Closed

Let $m$ and $n$ be natural numbers.


$m \times n \in \N$

where $\times$ denotes natural number multiplication.

Natural Number Multiplication is Associative

The operation of multiplication on the set of natural numbers $\N$ is associative:

$\forall x, y, z \in \N: \paren {x \times y} \times z = x \times \paren {y \times z}$

Natural Number Multiplication is Commutative

The operation of multiplication on the set of natural numbers $\N$ is commutative:

$\forall x, y \in \N: x \times y = y \times x$

Identity Element of Natural Number Multiplication is One

Let $1$ be the element one of $\N$.

Then $1$ is the identity element of multiplication:

$\forall n \in \N: n \times 1 = n = 1 \times n$

Natural Numbers form Commutative Semiring

The semiring of natural numbers $\struct {\N, +, \times}$ forms a commutative semiring.

Natural Number Multiplication Distributes over Addition

The operation of multiplication is distributive over addition on the set of natural numbers $\N$:

$\forall x, y, z \in \N:$
$\paren {x + y} \times z = \paren {x \times z} + \paren {y \times z}$
$z \times \paren {x + y} = \paren {z \times x} + \paren {z \times y}$

Non-Zero Natural Numbers form Commutative Semiring

Non-Zero Natural Numbers form Commutative Semiring

Natural Numbers form Subsemiring of Integers

The semiring of natural numbers $\struct {\N, +, \times}$ forms a subsemiring of the ring of integers $\struct {\Z, +, \times}$.

Natural Numbers Set Equivalent to Ideals of Integers

Let $S$ be the set of all ideals of $\Z$.

Let the mapping $\psi: \N \to S$ be defined as:

$\forall b \in \N: \map \psi b = \ideal b$

where $\ideal b$ is the principal ideal of $\Z$ generated by $b$.

Then $\psi$ is a bijection.

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